What is Retro Games Collector?

atari-collectionRetro Games Collector is a one-stop resource for all those like me, who have a passion for playing on and collecting retro gaming hardware, software and associated paraphernalia.

Some collectors concentrate on a certain manufacturer such as Sega or Commodore and collect anything and everything to do with their chosen marque. I fall into this category as I collect anything Sinclair related. Others zero in on a particular machine, such as the Oric Atmos or Commodore 64 and collect only things that relate to that particular computer. Many are just casual collectors who are just after a fix of retro gaming after years of playing modern machines and realising that sometimes gameplay is more important than how a game looks.

If you fall into any of the categories above, have an interest in retro gaming, retro games collecting or just want to see what all this ‘retro games’ fuss is all about – hopefully this blog will become the place for you.

I welcome any guest articles or even regular contributions, if you wish to write a piece for the site just get in touch.
Ant Harper – Retro Games Collector

Twitter: @RetroGamesColl
Instagram: http://instagram.com/retrogamescollector
YouTube: http://youtube.com/retrogamescollector
Facebook: http://facebook.com/retrogamecollector


  1. I have 2 spectrums to get rid of one is boxed with everything the other is just a spectrum both are zx made in uk, I also have a bank of 3 zx microdrives not boxed, a Kempston centronics interface e boxed, a boxed wafadrive, 1 boxed spectrum +2 and 1 limited edition james bond spectrum +2 boxed…….. I also have over 200 vairous original games some off the front of mags and some borought e.g learn to read 1,2 and 3, forth, make-a-chip, cargo, and survival to name a few all boxed. i have a couple of mags from 1983 one is the first year anniversary edition……I hope this lot can help a collector somewhere extend there collection….

  2. Hi, i was exploring your retro gaming site, and i´m sending you a title which i´m sure you never heard of.

    Back in 1993-95 i was part of the team which created the first PC Portuguese video game and as it was only released in Portugal and Spain back then, despite the excellent reviews it got all over, remains to this day a good example of unknown video game history, i´m sure.

    GAMBYS was going to be released by Psygnosis at the time, but as we still had made the game in DOS, and we released it too late as at the time WINDOWS 95 was gonna be the new norm in operating systems, our own DOS video game project was a casualty of technology changes and remain stuck in Portugal and Spain until today.

    Please take a look at my new GAMBYS website at http://www.luisperes.net/gambys_videogame.html, download the game and check it out as i would love to learn you opinion about this work of mine and of a small unknown team who created this lost piece of history in video games. 😉
    Thanks and keep in touch.

  3. @Luis Peres, I have looked at your site and the game looks great! I will test it out and let you know what I think of all your hard work. Thanks for letting us know about this piece of lost (until now!) software.

  4. Hey,

    I just released a nice little mini-game for the C64 and VIC-20 called CardSwipe. I thought your users might be interested in it and so I wanted to invite you to give it a shot. You can download it from http://cardswipe.codeplex.com


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