As a buyer and seller of retro games and hardware, I can’t help but notice the upward trend in prices of late. I have purchased some fantastic bargains over the years from various sources such as car boot sales, jumble sales, charity shops and ebay. Whereas a few years backContinue Reading

Retro Games Collector is the brainchild of Ant Harper from the West Midlands in the UK. He has been an avid video gamer from the age of 6 or 7 when he started out on the slippery slope of visiting arcades with his father in seaside resorts whilst on summerContinue Reading

Retro Games Collector is a one-stop resource for all those like me, who have a passion for playing on and collecting retro gaming hardware, software and associated paraphernalia. Some collectors concentrate on a certain manufacturer such as Sega or Commodore and collect anything and everything to do with their chosenContinue Reading