Way before full colour ads were the norm and just before the emergence of it’s colourful sibling; the ZX Spectrum, ZX81 software adverts in computer magazines were often a very crude affair. Still very much in the time of the ‘bedroom coder’ much of the software in this early periodContinue Reading

Sinclair ZX81 Software catalogues listed all Sinclair branded software available at the time of publishing. The software was produced by Psion and ICL and covered everything from educational software to business and games. Check out the order form pages for game prices. Click here to see ZX Spectrum Software andContinue Reading

Steve Dixon of Purple Unicorn Software talks exclusively to RGC about his latest work-in-progress – Lucy the Ladybird: I have played some interesting games made using Jonathan Cauldwell’s Arcade Game Designer (AGD) especially graphically but nothing much has really captured my imagination or done something I would say was newContinue Reading