Show us your collection: #30 Ryan Morrow

For our 30th collection we are sticking with the Retro Collective Europe theme, this time RCE admin Ryan Morrow shows us his amazing retro wares and gives us the lowdown on his collecting in our Q and A interview.

The Collection

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Q and A with Ryan Morrow

When did you become interested in video games and what was the first video game you played?

Ryan: I don’t think there was a particular time or event that I can say made me a gamer. Ive always enjoyed games, whether that be arcade or home console and In my early teens I used to love hanging out at the arcades in my hometown with my pals, having fun together and trying to get top scores on Pac-Man. Now I enjoy the release it gives me, I can immerse myself in worlds and characters beyond the imagination! I can be a hero, a villain, I can challenge my brain, my reactions. The great thing about games is the way in which they can be so many different things, and each person can find something they enjoy!

What was the first games console or computer you owned and how old were you?

Ryan: My brother and I got a Sega Master System II for Christmas one year, Alex Kidd built in and it was the only game we had. A few weeks later I got some games for my birthday. I think that was my 6th birthday. I vividly remember my Dad having a go and using the pad as if it was a steering wheel and thinking it was hilarious!

What got you into collecting videogames, computers and consoles?

Ryan: A few reasons really. My son was starting to play games, he was seeing his Uncles play games and I had a PS2 still kicking around but no games really suitable for his age.  I saw a Megadrive at a bootfair not long after and picked it up for cheap. I bought it because I never had one, only a SMS II as a child, and thought that it was more age and content appropriate for my son. When my father in law saw it, he told me he had a bunch of games somewhere. From there I started the trawling the bootfairs and charity shops !

Where do you source most of your retro purchases from (ebay, flea markets etc) ?

Ryan: Retro Collective Europe – a great social media based gaming community that I help admin! We have a great community of collectors who really look after each other. We mainly try to trade like for like, but if sales happen we keep prices reasonable costs low as we are all mad at the resellers driving prices up. Other than that I do the standard game collector thing of bootfairs, charity shops and local Facebook selling pages .

What is your most prized retrogaming possession and how much did it cost you?

Ryan: I have 2, for the exact same reason. They were from friends and FREE!
My Japanese friend who I met through judo, sent me a Super Famicom in an awesome carry case and a bunch of games. It was his as a child and cost him a fortune to ship. I sent him back a few English things he missed from his time here !
The second is my boxed NES , a good friend of mine had kept it in great condition from childhood and knew it would be great in my collection. He still claims he is lending me it, but he’s never getting it back !!

What is your favourite hardware manufacturer (Sega, Nintendo, Atari Commodore etc.), and why?

Ryan: I’d say Nintendo, the characters we know and love have stood the test of time. I know Sega have Sonic. But Nintendo churn out games and characters that we remember over and over again !

What is your favourite console/computer?

Ryan: N64/Playstation but I’ve a new fondness for the SNES ( I didn’t own one until very recently despite playing one a lot at other’s houses in my teens )

What console/computer have you least enjoyed playing?

Ryan: I don’t not enjoy any games system. They all have pros and cons but if I had to choose one, I don’t enjoy the Master System much anymore. Perhaps that’s because I had one as a kid and its different as an adult.

The burning house scenario: which part of your collection would you save first?

Ryan: My Super Famicom and NES because of the reasons already described but also because my SFC carry case has a handle and is easy to grab !!!
Failing that I’d watch them burn and take photos then go trolling on some of the facebook groups I’m growing to dislike !!

The Desert Island scenario: which one console and game would you take?

Ryan: N64 with Ocarina of Time !
no , PS1 with Time Crisis and a Gcon 45 .
nooo , SNES with Mario Kart .
Arghhhhhhhhhhhh !!

Where do you want to go now with the collection?

Ryan: I haven’t an aim, I’d like to get a complete Zelda collection, box up some of my loose consoles and games . But I’ve only ever kept games I enjoy. If I dont like a game or it gathers dust too long I’ll move it on to someone else to appreciate. And games with heavy price tags because they are mint and sealed don’t belong in my collection. I’d take a cart only with a ripped label if it meant I didnt have to break the bank. For me its about the playing and not how good they look on my shelf. Don’t get me wrong I’ll always get the best quality I can afford , and we all love finding mint condition gem at a bootfair !!!

Have you any tips for budding retro games collectors?

Ryan: Find a less expensive and space stealing hobby. Stamps maybe? Seriously, do your research. And always hold out buying something, you’ll find a better condition one or a cheaper one at some point !!



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