Whacko prices for Jacko games – Case 2

It had to happen. With the demise of the sequin gloved, ape loving pop legend there had to be a rise in price for merchandise bearing his name. Even 20 year old ZX Spectrum software isn’t immune from price hikes. Take this little gem I saw on a popular internet auction site: 1989 Spectrum Michael Jackson Moonwalker Game + Poster.


It might not seem like a lot of money to pay, but prior to WJ’s demise the game was pretty much worthless. Doubt if it would have had a single bid let alone 8 of them.

Worse still it looks like everyone is digging out their old Moonwalker games, I just saw the Amiga version with a starting price of £29.99 and a Commodore 64 version starting at £19.99. Sad but true.

Now I’m sure I’ve got a copy here somewhere…

1 Comment

  1. But do you have the limited edition version with the button? Now thats rare, worth at least… £1 more. 🙂

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